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Wildlife in Sandy Point (WiSP) Spring Event

Prom Coast Ecolink

21 Sept 2024

PCEL popped up at this special morning in Sandy Point

On Saturday 21st September, WiSP hosted a fun and informative nature session for both children, adults, locals and visitors in Sandy point.

The WiSP Spring event was a wonderful morning spent amongst incredibly insightful community members and dedicated volunteers. Diane Carpenter shared a fantastic presentation on seven of the most observable migratory waders in Sandy Point (some of whom fly over 13,000 km just to be here!). 

Dani showcased the amazing macro invertebrates from a wetland in our area with a live, interactive display. The healthy water was teeming with tiny biodiversity - live caddisfly nymph, water striders, water boatman, mosquito larvae, worms, tadpoles, water mites, snails and minuscule all taken from a Waratah Bay water source. Fascinating! A special thanks to Christy Fejer for coordinating this event.

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