Prom Coast Ecolink
15 Oct 2024
A remarkable plan for nature in South Gippsland has been released
South Gippsland Landcare Network launched the Biodiversity Protection Plan (BPP) at their AGM this month. Prom Coast Ecolink helped form this plan and we will now participate in the implementation committee to put it into action.
Our first meeting will be in November where we will spend the day with representatives from local council, carbon offset providers, pine plantation corporations, state government departments, water authorities and conservation groups to discuss biodiversity protection in South Gippsland. To have all of these representatives leaning toward the same goal is inspiring and we are hopeful for what this plan represents for the region and how it ties with our vision.
Read or download the BPP here
We are especially excited about the potential for section 5.3.5 of the BPP relating to a Biolinks Plan for South Gippsland:
"The development of a biolinks plan was identified early on as a key output of the South Gippsland BPP, due to strong community support. During development of the South Gippsland BPP, a concurrent project to develop a South Gippsland biolinks plan has been scoped and funding sought. It is hoped that a biolinks plan will be an early initial output. If achieved, the biolinks plan will require adoption by key regional stakeholders and it will be used to direct on-ground projects that focus on linking priority native biodiversity"