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Biodiversity Walk in the Hoddle Ranges

Prom Coast Ecolink

23 Nov 2024

Ecologist Alison Oates guides us through spectacular private property

Our last event for the year was a Biodiversity Walk on the Hoddle Range together with our friends at Gippsland Threatened Species Action Group.

It was a hot day but we were eating watermelon in the shed before the sun was too punishing. 

We enjoyed spectacular views from this private property, home to 5 (can you believe it!) Ecological Vegetation Classes (EVC’s), including the rare ‘Riparian Fern Scrub’ class in the gullies. 

The property also includes an extensive patch of remnant Damp Heathy Woodland and a significant stand of threatened Bog Gum (Eucalyptus kitsoniana). 

The owners, part of whom are wonderful PCEL members, have been protecting the remnant zones and extending biolinks across their property for many years. We enjoyed a picnic lunch in the shed and GTSAG held their AGM.

This property forms part of our Hoddle Range Survey Project and our overarching goal to identifying significant patches of vegetation that could ultimately be linked. In 2025 we will continue to work with private landholders and ecologists in this area to undertake several Ecological Surveys. This project will provide invaluable ecological data for our target area and our immediate focus will be to secure funding.

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