About the Event

Listening listening Listening………..it is time for the Annual Lyrebird Count again!
WHEN : Friday 12th July, 7:00-8:00pm
WHERE : Supper Room, Fish Creek Memorial Hall, 13 Falls Road, Fish Creek
COST: While this is a FREE event, donations will be warmly accepted to help cover costs.
Now in its 11th year, the Annual Lyrebird Count is an initiative by a group of local volunteers who track lyrebird activity in the Cape Liptrap Coastal Park, South Gippsland. Each year, the group spend 2 short, early morning stints over a weekend listening and recording the location of Menura novaehollandiae - the superb lyrebird. This year, we would love for you to join us! Training is provided, and newcomers are paired with experienced listeners and recorders.
The Annual Lyrebird Count weekend includes 3 sessions - a volunteer briefing on Friday 12th July, followed by dawn listening sessions on both Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th.
To kick the weekend off is an information and briefing evening with Dr Alex Maisey, Research Fellow at LaTrobe University and expert on the Superb Lyrebird of south-east Australia. Dr Maisey will present information on what to listen for, and how to record compass bearings.
Marg Watson will be dispensing kits for the listening sessions, that include tailored details for listening locations.
Important note: to participate in the listening sessions on Saturday and Sunday, participants are required to attend this briefing on Friday night and collect a kit. Please register for the listening events separately (one, or both!). If you are unable to come to this briefing, but would still like to participate please reach out to Marg Watson on 0488 592 725
CONTACT: Your contact for this event is Marg Watson 0488 592 725
Hope to see you there !
Prom Coast Ecolink is a community-driven initiative to preserve and protect our natural environment through collaboration and connection.